

The program


Poster #7 - Simi Hoque

Drexel University, United States


Simi Hoque, PhD, PE, is an associate professor of architectural engineering at Drexel University. She is a Bangladeshi-American who grew up in Nigeria, immigrated to the US, and was educated at Johns Hopkins, Carnegie Mellon, and the University of California-Berkeley. Her research (NSF CAREER grant #1740449) is an urban metabolism analytical framework that integrates and predicts the impact of different sectors of the built infrastructure, transportation, and land use, on the environment. She presented this work in Morocco at AAFS in 2017. Dr. Hoque is also a licensed professional engineer who designs HVAC systems for high performance buildings. Her research is on the development and application of computational methods and tools to reduce building energy and environmental impacts. She is currently working on the development of analytical methods to predict the impact of climate change on building energy consumption. Using scenarios from the IPCC climate models and weather generators, she and her PhD students are identifying critical stresses and vulnerabilities to buildings due to changes in future weather patterns. Dr. Hoque lives near Philadelphia, she has three children, and she is deeply invested in advancing girls and women in STEM through her outreach work with Girls Inc. and other non-profits. She also enjoys reading novels, exercising, and trying to get 8 hours of sleep every night.