

The program


Poster #2 - Ramia Albakain

Associate Professor of Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan


Dr. Ramia AlBakain holds a PhD with honor degree in analytical and bioanalytical chemistry from Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC) and Ecole Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Analytique (ESPCI), Paris, France. She has been an associate professor at the University of Jordan, Jordan, Department of Chemistry since 2012. Dr. Ramia was the recipient of L’Oréal-UNESCO “For Women in Science” Levant and Egypt Fellowships in 2015. She has received 13 additional awards and fellowships, including: 1) In June 2017, she was selected for the International Fulbright Visitor Award, USA: 2) In May 2017, she obtained the UK Academy of Medical Sciences Award; 3) In April 2017, she was chosen to participate in Erasmus+ teaching staff Mobility,Sweden; 4) In April 2017, she won the International Scientific Excellence Award, Lebanon; 5) In January 2017, She was the receipt of Chaire Joliot Award, France; 6) She was selected as a TWAS Young Affiliate (2016-2020) from the World Academy of Sciences; 7) In April 2016, she won first place in Senior Division at the 22nd International scientific Conference of LAAS, Lebanon; 8) In 2015, she was chosen for the Post-Doctorate award from the Scientific Research Fund, Jordan; and 9) In 2014, she obtained the DFG Fellowship from Germany. She has many international scientific collaborations with USA, France, Germany, Lebanon, and the UK. She has 18 publications in international journals.