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University of Southern California, United States
Dr. Bora Gencturk is an assistant professor in the Sonny Astani Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at the University of Southern California (USC). He obtained his PhD and MSc degrees from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and his BSc degree from Bogazici University (Istanbul, Turkey). Dr. Gencturk’s research focuses on the durability and extreme event resilience of reinforced concrete structures with emphasis on application of high-performance materials. He specifically studies the degradation of cementitious materials due to environmental aging and investigates the application of higher performance materials to mitigate these issues. To date, Dr. Gencturk has been awarded $8.9M total in research funding as a PI or Co-PI. He has received both young investigator awards given by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF): CAREER and BRIGE. Dr. Gencturk has authored or co-authored 52 refereed journal papers, three book chapters, six research reports, and 44 conference papers. He has graduated four PhD and five MSc students (with theses). He is currently advising or co-advising two post-docs and five PhD students. Dr. Gencturk teaches courses on mechanical behavior of materials, structural dynamics and earthquake engineering, and probabilistic methods. Dr. Gencturk is a registered professional civil engineer in California.