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A strategic futurist, global keynote speaker, and corporate strategist
Described as endlessly optimistic, Nancy is a strategic futurist, global keynote speaker, corporate strategist and gatherer with a drive to help enterprise organizations and visionary leaders transform to meet the escalating expectations ahead. Recognized as one of the top female futurists, Nancy's expertise and experiences ranges from A.I. to frozen foods to reinventing the internet, and all her projects have a key common denominator: transitioning away from the extractive operating systems and outdated business thinking that no longer hold up... to create the more sustainable, inclusive and dynamic solutions the future demands. The world’s first TEDx licensee, a Singularity University lecturer, frequent SXSW (“south by southwest”) contributor, creator of the “Career Fair For the Future” for college + high school students, and recent co-founder of Femme Futurists Society (a growing collection of interviews with leading futurists around the world), Nancy advises leaders on the organizational structures and new mindsets necessary to effectively harness the significant technology innovations heading our way and ensure a safe and thriving future for us all.