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Blue Wave Consulting, Kuwait
Samia Alduaij is a senior environmental specialist from Kuwait with almost 20 years experience in international development, environmental managment, policy analysis and in scientific/ research institutions. She has worked for the World Bank in the Middle East and North Africa region and with United Nations Development Programme as a staff member and more recently as a consultant. Her work has consisted mostly of operational projects and technical assistance programs related to environmental policy, management, safeguards, environmental economics, legislation and sustainable development of natural resources in Kuwait, Bahrain Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, Jordan, Sudan, Djibouti and Syria. She has worked on developing two regional initiatives related to the sustainable managment of the marine environment in the Arabian Gulf and the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. She is currently working with the World Bank on the development of an integrated solid waste management action plan for Kuwait. She is also a member of the voluntary advisory committee under the supreme council for the environment in Kuwait, which provides objective feedback and review on pressing environmental issues to key policy makers. Samia was part of the team that set up the aquarium at the Scientific Center in Kuwait and was involved in its community outreach initiative related to turtle rescue and rehabilitation. She has recently launched an initiative to promote sustainable and ethical consumption in the region which highlights some of the negative impacts of certain consumer choices while offering more sustainable alternatives.