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Director of the Office of Sponsored Research - Office of Competitive Research Funds King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Thuwal, Saudi Arabia
Dr. Jun Abrajano is the director of the Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) at KAUST. He came to KAUST from the US National Science Foundation (Arlington, VA), where he held various positions including head of Surface Earth Processes Section, division director of Earth Sciences, and deputy assistant director of the GEO Directorate. Prior to joining NSF, Dr. Abrajano was a professor of earth and environmental sciences at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (Troy, NY) and the director of its Environmental Sciences Program, professor and chair of environmental sciences at Memorial University (St. John’s, Canada), and scientist at the Chemical Technology Division of Argonne National Laboratory (Lemont, IL). He is a geochemist who specializes in high precision stable isotope mass spectrometry and its many applications to unraveling biogeochemical cycling and environmental processes in modern and ancient aquatic systems. Dr. Abrajano received his PhD in earth and planetary sciences from Washington University (St. Louis, MO). He is a Fulbright Fellow and a Fellow of the Geological Society of America.