

The program



Prof. Stuart Barnes

Director, Consumer and Organisational Digital Analytics (CODA) Research Centre, King's College London, UK


Professor Stuart J. Barnes is a Chair in Marketing at King’s Business School. He joined King’s College London in September 2015, having held chair positions at other universities since 2005. He gained a first-class BSc Hons. in Economics & Geography from University College London and a PhD from Manchester Business School. A polymath, Stuart is opposed to disciplinary silos and enjoys working across a number of academic disciplines, particularly those that combine technology, business and/or sustainability. His research has involved collaboration and engagement with many types of businesses and government, and has been widely publicised, including as a keynote speaker and report writer for the European Parliament. He is the founder and director of CODA within King’s Business School: an interdisciplinary research centre focused on Consumer and Organisational Digital Analytics. CODA focuses on innovative methods and technology to provide novel solutions to business and sustainability problems, including using big data, AI, blockchain, 5G, and IOT. Professor Barnes was recently successful as UK Co-PI in a £1.5m (7.5m SAR) grant from the Ministry of Education of Saudi Arabia (with University of Oxford, King Saud University and University of Prince Mugrin), with a third coming through KCL, for a project to manage the safety of massive crowds, focusing on visitors to Mecca during Hajj. Professor Barnes has been involved with many other complex, multidisciplinary, international research projects and grants, including recently as Co-I on a GCRF Newton Fund Grant on smart microgrids with partners at UCL and in Turkey, Co-PI on several National Natural Science Foundation of China grants with Chinese and North American partners, Co-I for a Swedish Research Council grant on sharing economy business models, and Co-I on a KFAS grant (with Dr. Richard Rutter of the Australian College Kuwait and Dr. Brett Lyons of CEFAS) on “Understanding attitudes towards plastics consumption in the Gulf Countries: A text analytics approach.”Stuart reviews for many leading research grant bodies and journals, is associate editor of Information & Management, and has been involved as programme committee member or track chair in more than 50 academic conferences. Stuart has published five books (one a bestseller for Butterworth-Heinemann), that have been translated into multiple languages, and more than two hundred scholarly articles that have been cited more than 14,000 times. Further information about Stuart's research can be found on Google Scholar or ResearchGate.