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Chairs of Working Group on Energy and Climate, Belgian Federal Council for Sustainable Development - Professor of Environmental Sciences, Université catholique de Louvain (UCL)
Jean-Pascal van Ypersele is a member of the Belgian Federal Council for Sustainable Development since 1993, and chairs its Working Group on "Energy and Climate". He has been science advisor in the Belgian delegations to a dozen UN conferences. Dr van Ypersele was the Lead Author for the WGII contribution to the Third Assessment Report of the IPCC, and was elected in 2002 Vice-Chair of its Working Group II. For the IPCC Fourth assessment, in addition to his responsibilities as member of the IPCC Bureau, he was also active in the Steering Group of the Task Group on New Emission Scenarios He has participated in dozens of outreach events related to the IPCC work. He holds a PhD in Physics and is Professor of Environmental Sciences, UCL. He is the author of numerous scientific articles and popular works regarding climate change and sustainable development. Among other prizes, the federation of environmental NGOs "Interenvironnement- Wallonie" gave him in 1999 a "Palm for the Environment", and he received in 2006 from the International Polar Foundation the Special Prize “Energy and Environment Award 2006”. In 2007-2008, he received the “Francqui Chair” at ULB.