Development and Control of Distributed Multi-Energy Networks, Session Chair: Dr. Mishal Al-Gharaballi
12.00-12.20: Development of Electricity Grid Models and Scenarios to Support Decision Making of Grid Operators on Short and Long Term (D. Van Hertem, KU Leuven, including the grid emulation capabilities and highly interconnected network infrastructure of EnergyVille)12.20-12.40: Storage as Enabler to Deal with Intermittency and Recent Developments at Imec on Solid-State Batteries (B. Put, imec)12.40-12.50: Example of an Integrated Demonstration Project Proposal on Near-Zero Energy Greenhouses for Kuwait (P. Pieters, Dirk Saelens, Yehya AlHadban, Imec/EnergyVille, KU Leuven/EnergyVille, KISR) 12.50-13.00: Closing Remarks (J. Poortmans - imec & Dr. Adnan Shihab-Eldin - KFAS)